PinnedEce UyguçinCurated NewslettersThe Ishtar Gate: Babylon’s Magnificent HeritageThe Architectural Wonder of Nebuchadnezzar II and the Cultural Richness of MesopotamiaSep 32Sep 32
PinnedEce UyguçinILLUMINATIONA Trip To MarsRecently, I watched the scientific documentary “The Mars Generation” on Netflix, and I found its content compelling enough to share with…Aug 247Aug 247
PinnedEce UyguçinILLUMINATIONNeuralink: Big Step For HumanityTelepathy, the first chip placed in the human brain in history, heralds significant innovations in the field of neurotechnology.Jun 146Jun 146
PinnedEce UyguçinILLUMINATIONArtificial Intelligence: Past to PresentMany may wonder how artificial intelligence, one of today’s most widely used concepts, first emerged. The undeniable importance of this…Jun 46Jun 46
PinnedEce UyguçinTechnology HitsElon Musk’s AlgorithmI’m sure everyone more or less knows that it is not a coincidence that Elon Musk is in the position he is in right now. To get to know a…May 183May 183
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Ece UyguçinCurated NewslettersHomochiralityUnravelling the Mystery of the Building Blocks of LifeOct 3Oct 3
Ece UyguçinTürkiye Yayınıİştar Kapısı: Babil’in Görkemli Mirasıİştar Kapısı, 1902 yılında Alman arkeolog Robert Koldewey tarafından, bugünkü Irak sınırları içindeki Babil’in bugünkü yeri olan Bağdat ili…Jul 83Jul 83
Ece UyguçinTürkiye YayınıNeuralink: İnsanlık İçin Büyük AdımElon Musk’ın girişimleri arasında son dönemlerde en çok ilgi çekenlerden biri, kuşkusuz tarihte bir ilke imza atan Neuralink’tir. Peki…Jun 7Jun 7